Season 03, Episode 06 - Shreya Muralidharan

Episode 6 is here, and I want to give a huge thank you to Shreya Muralidharan, a senior at JRHS, for her enthusiasm in coming on HOJR! In this episode, Shreya will be talking about her experience in middle school and high school, as well as what she hopes for in college. She will discuss what is has been like growing up in a predominantly white suburban area, as well as the difficulties that go along with being queer. I hope you all will be as inspired by her as I was, and continue to be.

TW: This episode contains discussion of mental health, some familial issues, and racist themes. LGBTQ+ is also addressed, with examples of internal homophobia

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Thank you for listening!


Season 03, Episode 07 - Stuart Nabors


Season 03, Episode 04 - Katie Lowry